Empower your medical education and professional training programs with our state-of-the-art healthcare simulation products.
From realistic patient simulators to advanced surgical trainers, our products are designed to enhance hands-on learning, improve clinical skills, and ensure better patient outcomes.
Click on the logos and explore our range of innovative partners and their products tailored to meet the needs of healthcare educators and practitioners.
Simulation & Training
Resuscitation Training
Emergency Care & Trauma
Nursing & Patient Care
Obstetrics & Paediatrics
Manage, Assess, Debrief
Virtual Simulation
Skills Proficiency
Airway Management Trainers
Defibrillation & Cardiology
Neonatal Skill Trainers
Venous & Arterial Access
Limbs and Things
LMS / Audio & Video Supported LMS
Serious Gaming Modules​
Extended Reality Solutions
Courses & Learning
Educational Services
Neonatal Resuscitation Training
Medical Devices
Airway Management
Defibrillator Parts & Accessories
Perinatal and Neonatal
CPR Feedback Devices
Surgical Simulators​
Dental Simulators & Models

bertas has been a trusted provider in the healthcare market for 37 years, with deep expertise in the hospital sector. As a respectful provider in the medical device industry since 1987, we are dedicated to deliver high-quality products and services to our customers.
Turnkey Hospital Projects
Operating Room Units
Intensive Care Units
Emergency Care Units
Imaging Departments
Medical & Clinical Labs
Central Sterilization Units
Turnkey Life Science and Medical / Nursing / Paramedics Schools and Training Centers
Conceptual Design
Setting the Objectives and Integrating those to the medical institution
Architectural Design of the institution
Room by Room Planing of the medical devices, hospital furniture and the utilities of the institution
Infrastructural Design of the institution
Logistics, equipping, installation, commissioning
Training of Medical, IT, Biomedical and Technical Staff of the institution
Designing and Implementation of the Resource Managment Software for the institution
Technical Support, Periodical Maintenance Services